The Udu Point Women's Iniative

The Udu Point Women's Initiative group is made up of women from the settlements of Udurara, Navuwai and villages of Vunikodi, Nabouono and Nukudamu. These are located in the remotest locations in Vanualevu, Fiji.
The only mode of transport is by sea, the source of income is from fishing or diving for trochus shells. The women are weavers and are renowned for the kiluvatu mat that is distinctive to the Udu peninsula. The sales of mats have been reduced drastically since COVID. The Coastal Basket is pleased to partner with the Udu Women's Initiative to improve their livelihood.
The initiative is resilient and the women have expanded their handicraft lines to include coconut kava bowls, sasa brooms and fans, woven mats and tapa jewelry. The Coastal Basket is providing an outlet to help introduce their products to the world.
Vina’a valevu coastal basket.
Toto’a na nomudou veiqaravi.